sábado, 4 de dezembro de 2010


By Rafael Jácome

  "Not my will, but thine, be done " (LK 22:42 B)

          Everyone remember this prayer of Jesus in the Garden of Olives and the Father who gave a reason for his passion, from which came the resurrection. You declare a previous text that was the activity most recalcitrant of Jesus, because it expresses all its intensity and its tragedy that happened in his heart. Revealed the inner wound caused by deep loathing of his human nature in the face of death that the Father wanted him. But Christ did not expect this day to suit your will to the will of God. He did so throughout life. If this was the conduct of Christ, this should be the attitude of every Christian. Also you should repeat in your life.

          In the contemporary world many reduce this sentence to a mere expression of resignation, which are pronounced when you can not do anything else. But that is not its true interpretation. In fact, Jesus teaches us that in life we can choose one of two directions: either do our own will, or opt for doing the will of God.

          When we choose to do our own will, we know the damage it causes. Often or always, are accompanied by disappointment, limited choices of fruit, using our own resources, our dreams and the poor relying only on our forces. From there, sooner or later come to experience the routine of an existence marked by boredom, by mediocrity, by pessimism and sometimes by desperation. Despite efforts to make everything into something interesting, but will not satisfy our deepest needs.

          I remember a sister once told me: "God is like the sun. Leave many ray of the sun that reach every man, represent the will of God for each one. In life,  the Christian, and also all man of good will are called to walk into the sun, in light of its own radius, different and distinct from all others. So hold the wonderful design, personal, that God has prepared for him. If you do so too, will feel involved in a divine adventure, never dreamed of. You will be both actor and spectator of something great that God works in you and through you, in humanity. "
          Dear brother, all that happens is by God's permission, facts like sufferings and joys, graces and disgraces, relevant facts (as successes, accidents or deaths of loved ones), everyday facts (such as day-to- day at home, office or school), everything will acquire a new meaning because you will be offered by the hands of God who is Love. All he wants, or allows, is for your good.
Do not stifle that voice. It is the most precious treasure you have. See what God can do with a person who says all his life: "Not my will, but thine, be done."

GOD IS FAITHFUL!                         Rafael Jacome

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